Adonde Press is an experiment in communication for social change, founded in 2015. The press is geared toward creating a market for small– and medium–length pamphlets, ranging from ten to eighty pages.
Depending on the publication, these pamphlets may be published in print and/or as downloadable PDFs. In due time, Adonde hopes to publish books by other authors ranging from 100 to 150 pages. At this time, Adonde Press is a personal initiative intended to contribute the publisher’s work to the discussion signified by the press name, Adonde, which means “to where” in Spanish. At this juncture of capitalist crises and imperialist wars and intrigue, this may be the most important question to ask.
Choosing a strategy that moves toward socialism may be the only way forward in light of climate chaos and the intractable crisis of capitalism. If capitalism is not to be the only possible future, then embracing “to where” is an essential part of the struggle.
Adonde envisions creating a new journal in 2020, Moving Toward Socialism (MTS). MTS would be devoted to analytical writing and creative work envisioning how a socialist United States might look, feel, and function, as well as be devoted to strategies and tactics for building a movement to make socialism happen. A journal like MTS would endeavor to show detailed scenarios of what white– and blue–collar workers could accomplish if they set economic goals and controlled the value they create and the means to create it.
Categories of inquiry could include analysis, proposals, applications pertaining to the following subjects, and many more.
- Economic management and planning
- Corporate governance models of public, cooperative and worker-owned industries
- Foreign policy conduct and goals
- Reform and establishment of democratic institutions
- Citizen participation
- Firm-to-firm relations, market roles, and planning models
- Art for movement building and cultural renaissance
- Music, theater, visual arts, film, and literature’s roles in enriching life
- Prison abolition and reforming the legal system
- Work-leisure balance
- Job sharing
- Compensation and reward
- Reinventing urban and suburban living space
- Rural development and agriculture
- Capitalism, climate change, and socialist solutions
- Advancing sustainable, ecological farming and animal production
Of course the degree of interest and submissions the journal engenders will determine its future timing for publication. Submission guidelines will be forthcoming in 2020. Should you wish to keep informed as the work develops, join the Adonde email list. For specific inquiries about this initiative, please use the contact form with the subject line “MTS Journal.”