Adonde Press invites your feedback and comments on these initiatives. At this time, both projects are in the idea and discussion stage, so as to incorporate the thinking and participation of other writers and activists. That both journals fit the times is apparent in the daily news cycle and readers’ response to the initiatives will inform the timing and feasibility for publishing the first issues. Please send your comments via our contact page with the subject line “Initiatives.”
US Peace Journal: Toward a Peaceful US Foreign Policy
Strategic, action-oriented, anti-imperialist.
The goal of this journal is to assist in undermining the dominance of the narrative and propaganda that continues to underpin US imperialist foreign polices managed by the two major capitalist parties. Americans are tired of war, but most do not understand what is causing the conflicts, are overwhelmed by the propaganda of fear, or acquiesce out of fear or cynicism. The US peace movement needs a journal to map strategies and test communications and actions that can lead the American people to demand a peaceful foreign policy.
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The weak link of the capitalist-imperialist system is imperialism. Its tenuous psychological hold on people’s minds must be constantly reinforced, and its expense in dollars and resources undermines the very economic system it is designed to protect. Imperialist war preparations, arms manufacturing, and overseas bases exhausts capitalism's productive capacity. Bombs do not circulate in national economies. They do unfortunately “circulate” when they are used and must be replenished. Perpetual war and expansion of bases then becomes an economic engine. To turn it off suddenly would produce mass unemployment, thus the world peace movement's long-standing solution is to covert arms manufacturing plants and research step-by-step to meet other needs.
As this journal is in development, Adonde welcomes activists' and writer's input and participation in making it possible. Please use the Adonde contact form with the subject line "Peace journal" should you wish to comment.
Journal: Moving Toward Socialism
In 2020, Adonde envisions initiating an online and print journal: Moving Toward Socialism: A journal of ideas and action (MTS). MTS would be devoted to analytical and creative work, envisioning how a socialist United States might look, feel, and function, as well as the strategies and tactics for building a movement to make it happen.
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A union representative and ingenious negotiator I knew often quipped to members at contract time, “We gotta know where we’re going if we want to get there.” Similarly, if capitalism is not to be the only possible future, then embracing the question of "to where?" is an essential part of the struggle. The journal hopes to become a vehicle for the intellectual project of socialism, while thoroughly, and I would say passionately, being committed to remaining relevant and active in contemporary life and struggles. Thus, the tag line, thought, and action.
MTS would endeavor to publish articles that envision what white– and blue–collar workers could accomplish if they set economic goals, chose investments, and controlled the capital and means of production they create. Imagining a different future that is saleable requires details that make visionary ideas for a better world tangible and accessible.